Saturday, March 6, 2010

Saturday Evening Blogging

Hello to all out there :)

It's 10:20 pm over here. I've no idea what I'm doing blogging when I should be asleep since I have to get up early for church tomorrow lol.

Anyways, I suddenly have to worship lead for praise tomorrow cuz Tita Olive isn't feeling too well. I pray she'll be okay for tomorrow. More than pumped to lead for tomorrow! So excited!

On the school front, exams are next week... Still haven't studied haha. Plus, the titration equation in chemistry is freaking me and my classmates out so I have no idea how this is gonna work. By God's grace, I'll see it through.

Dad just got back from China. Literally just came home a few minutes ago with chocolates. Yay! My bro has his traditional stuff toy. This time, it's Eeyore.

And God has still been so faithful to me. As I shared in the last CG, my heart is always in a battle and in a struggle and I look at myself and condemn myself sometimes, asking myself why I can't just get through it and why I make the same mistakes over and over again. And God bombards me not with punishments but LOVE. From my previous Reflections post, you'll see I'm reading Mark and I'm at the crucifixion. God's reminding me how much He loves me. God's so great. His grace and love is truly overwhelming.

Gotta get to bed. But a last note: please pray for Tita Mayette and Mama. Mama's still in the ICU and we need all the prayers we can get. Please also pray for provision since the bills are now up to 50K+.

God bless guys and hope you have a great week ahead of you.