Hey wazzup!!
Okay, so this is my blog for English class and Ms. Lauren's gonna check it every week and she says we're supposed to have one entry per week....
But what the heck, I'm gonna write as many as I want cuz I luv BLOGGING!!!
Oh yeah, by the way, I'm Eric. Eric Emmanuel S. Surbano. I'm 14, in Grade 8, and I'm currently studying in BGIS. Ms. Lauren Campbell is my English teacher (Okay, I think that Ms. Lauren is gonna let her friends look at this so the people reading this would probably know who Ms. Lauren is), with Mr. Michael Hoyt being my Social Studies and homeroom teacher (Okay, you may not know him), Mr. Brian Burkey being my Science teacher (you probably DON'T know him) and Dr. Steve McKee being my Math teacher and principal (okay, I am positively sure you DON'T him, but in a few months you may).
Anyways, yes, I love blogging. I love writing. I love surfing the net. I love RPG games (currently playing Star Wars on Facebook) and I love games on PS2 (currently finished Hitman: Blood Money). I love watching movies (looking forward to watchin National Treasure 2 and Hitman), and I love having lots of friends (currently having around 150 including online friends).
So... I think I've written enough for today... So I'm gonna stop here... I may write another one when I get home... Peace out dudes! ~ Eric E.
games...surfing the Internet...blogging....
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